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Hong Kong Mortgage Applications Drop 16.1% in May 2024, HKMA Reports

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority reported a 16.1% decrease in mortgage applications for May 2024, while mortgage loans approved increased by 8.8%. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has released the residential mortgage survey results for May 2024, revealing a significant decline in mortgage applications. According to the HKMA, the number of mortgage applications decreased…

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Binance Faces SEC Lawsuit Over Unregistered Securities, Court Proceeds with Some Claims

Binance faces US SEC claims for staking program, BNB token sale, anti-fraud violations, and former CEO Changpeng Zhao's control, but court dismisses secondary market sales and Binance USD stablecoin sales. In the present moment, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has initiated legal action against Binance, which is one of the most prominent…

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Understanding Payment Structures in Taiko's Self-Sustaining Blockchain Network

Taiko's blockchain network employs various mechanisms to incentivize participants, ensuring trustless and transparent transactions. Learn how different roles contribute and get rewarded. In order for a network to be self-sustaining, there need to be mechanisms in place that help regulate the way things are done. This is especially important in the context of blockchains, where…

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Uniswap (UNI) v4 Hooks: EigenLayer Research Calls for AVS Proposals

EigenLayer Research invites proposals for Uniswap v4 Hooks, aiming to collaborate with innovative builders to enhance the decentralized finance ecosystem. EigenLayer Research has issued a call for proposals on Uniswap (UNI) v4 Hooks, according to the official EigenLayer blog. This initiative aims to engage with innovative builders in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, inviting them…

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AssemblyAI Enhances Conversational Intelligence with New Features

AssemblyAI introduces new features to enhance conversational intelligence, helping enterprises gain deeper insights from audio data. AssemblyAI, a leader in AI-driven audio intelligence, has unveiled a series of new features designed to help enterprises extract and analyze insights from digital conversational data. This move comes as businesses increasingly turn to AI solutions to manage the…

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Gala Games' Legacy Challenges Players with Competitive Design Competitions

Gala Games' Legacy invites players to test their entrepreneurial skills in competitive design competitions, offering $GALA rewards. Gala Games is raising the stakes for players of its popular game, Legacy, by introducing competitive design competitions. This innovative feature challenges players to leverage their entrepreneurial skills to create and market products, with the ultimate goal of…

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